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8x Podcast tips on wine and fatherhood

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

With little time for deepdives into books, podcasts are truly an invention! Wonderful distraction from the daily chores: ironing, walking the dog, cooking, you can always find a moment. But what do you listen to as a 'wine father'? Below our tips for podcasts about wine and fatherhood! Whether you like short and to-the-point, or jovial and extensive, there is something for everyone.

Nice chitchat

Do you like to talk about anything that has even a little to do with wine? Would you like to hear from professionals in the wine world? Then you should definitely try these podcasts:

Logo klare wijn podcast

This podcast has a special place in our hearts. This was the podcast that further fueled our love for wine when we were following the SDEN 1 course. These are longer episodes in which Antoin Peeters and Ernst-Jan Overduin taste a lot and, above all, simply chat about wine. And all in clear language. In recent seasons, they have also increasingly invited interesting guest speakers. And they almost always have a nice wine box (with a discount) so you can taste the wines they drink.

Our tips: Episode 29 about organic wines, episode 24 about the Loire with Ruud Couwenhoven and episode 1 about bottles, corks and labels.

Logo robuust wijnpodcast

In this podcast by Siersma Wijnadvies, Rutger Siersma talks to leading and groundbreaking wine professionals. They talk about specific wine regions, personal motivations and developments in the wine world. Extra nice: the episodes last only 30 minutes! So it's nice to listen to, but not too long ;)

Our tips: Episode 25 about South Africa with Sam Kalksma and episode 17 about Vivino with Hans Koomen.

Logo le club & sommeljj de podcast

"Jan Jaap (@sommeljj) and Nadien (@leclubdesvins) can't stop talking about wine and record that chatter in a podcast." That's how they describe it themselves, and it's exactly that! Everything that has even a little to do with wine is discussed. They draw heavily from their personal and professional experiences. The terminology is sometimes a bit stilted, but the informal and cozy atmosphere makes it easy to follow.

Our tips: #106 about Dutch wine and S03E29 about Georgia.

Compact content

Are you looking for very condensed information about wine regions, grapes and winemaking methods? Then the tips below are for you! Please note, these are all in English. Apparently, the Dutchies are a bit tedious ;)

Keith Beavers is 'tastings director' at the largest digital media company dedicated to alcoholic beverages: VinePair. He is very enthusiastic and you can hear that in his up-tempo and compact podcast Wine 101. Every week you can enjoy a new episode about specific areas, grapes, methods and other topics. Sometimes, maybe a little too jovial, but always nice and accessible!

Our tips: especially the earlier episode about grapes and regions are great! Try the one about Keith's favorite region: Friuli.

Sommelier Sarah Roth A.K.A The Wine CEO describes herself as your personal 'pocket sommelier'. In short and light episodes she helps you with everyday wine questions. For example, which wine goes best with pizza? Why do you need to decant? Or which Italian wine regions should you really know? In recent episodes, she also often has a wine professional as a guest.

Our tips: the series about Italian wines: Top 5 white, top 5 red and top 5 rosé.

Matthew has a relaxing voice to listen to and gives you bite-sized information on specific topics such as regions, wine styles and grapes. Without endless introductory talks or extensive reflections on the weekend. What else do you want? Matthew Gaughan is a certified WSET 'educator' so he knows what he's talking about!

Our tips: the episodes about Old vs. New world and unknown wine country Bolivia.

Fatherhood favorites

Because we are the Winefathers for a reason. As a young parent, you have a lot to deal with. And it can be wonderful to hear from others how they themselves struggle, stumble or sometimes go completely wrong. You've come to the right place for that with the following two podcasts!

Being a father is wonderful of course, but it's not always easy. 'You get so much in return...'. That's what this podcast is about. With a good dose of humor, presenter Manuel Venderbos and entertainment expert Eric de Munck talk to famous 'dads'. About fatherhood in all facets; the fun and the less fun. They call it 'semi-therapeutic' themselves, but above all it's just a lot of fun to listen to.

Our tips: the episodes with Jan Versteegh and Rick Paul van Mulligen. Hilarious and helpful!

Pepijn Lanen AKA Faberyayo asks celebrities about how they try to be the very best father in the world. The celebrity dads are open about their fears of falling short. Because are you doing it all right? Secretly very nice to hear that other men often have no idea what they are doing.

Our tips: the episodes with Donnie, Joshua Nolet and Ron Blaauw. The last one is very nice if you want to include some culinary skills in your upbringing!

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